Company Schweizerische Nationalbank in Zürich

The Company Schweizerische Nationalbank in Zürich is listed with this company profile on The unique identification of this portrait is HLP-9529-177071.


Schweizerische Nationalbank
Börsenstrasse 15
8001 Zürich

058 631 00 00

The company entry with the ID HLP-9529-177071 belongs to Schweizerische Nationalbank in Börsenstrasse 15, 8001 Zürich and has been entered on since 15.09.2005.

Schweizerische Nationalbank in Zürich has the legal form Special legal forms and registered in the swiss commercial register in the canton of Zurich. Zurich is a German-speaking canton in the northeast of Switzerland. The capital is the city of the same name, Zurich.

Latitude and longitude coordinates for Schweizerische Nationalbank in Börsenstrasse 15, 8001 Zürich are: 47.3678674 and 8.540862. The unique identification commercial register number for Schweizerische Nationalbank is CH-

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

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