Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Basel-Landschaft in Arlesheim
The Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Basel-Landschaft in Arlesheim is listed with this company profile on en.help.ch. The unique identification of this portrait is HLP-9529-189536.
Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Basel-LandschaftDomplatz 13
4144 Arlesheim
The company entry with the ID HLP-9529-189536 belongs to Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Basel-Landschaft in Domplatz 13, 4144 Arlesheim and has been entered on help.ch since 25.04.2006.
Latitude and longitude coordinates for Handelsregisteramt des Kantons Basel-Landschaft in Domplatz 13, 4144 Arlesheim are: 47.4922906 and 7.620792.
Data Source: HELP.CH your e-guide ®
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